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8 secrets for a juicy sponge cake

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8 secrets for a juicy sponge cake
A juicy, fluffy sponge is the foundation of any good cake. Nobody likes a dry and hard cake, so it's important to follow a few key tips when baking to help you achieve a juicy and fluffy texture.

A juicy, fluffy sponge is the foundation of any good cake. Nobody likes a dry and hard cake, so it's important to follow a few key tips when baking to help you achieve a juicy and fluffy texture.

In this article, we'll give you the 8 secrets to a juicy sponge cake that will help you make your cake perfect every time. Discover how to make the perfect sponge cake that's just the right amount of juicy, fluffy and delicious.

1. Choose the right recipe

The first step to a luscious sponge cake is choosing the right recipe. Some cakes are intentionally drier because they need to be able to withstand heavier fillings and creams without becoming too soft. To achieve a juicy cake, avoid recipes that contain no fat or only a small amount of butter. Instead, choose recipes that contain enough fat, such as butter or oil, as the fat contributes to the softness and juiciness of the dough.

The best sponge recipes can be found here.

2. Measuring flour correctly

One common cause of dry cakes is using too much flour. Often the flour is measured by cup, which is not accurate enough. To achieve a juicy and fluffy dough, we recommend using a kitchen scale to measure the flour and other ingredients. Measuring the flour correctly will ensure that the ratio of wet to dry ingredients is correctly balanced.

3. Correct execution of the recipe

In addition to choosing the right recipe, the correct execution of the recipe is the key to achieving a luscious sponge cake. When baking, follow the instructions in the recipe and take into account the baking time and oven temperature. Check your oven using a separate thermometer to make sure the temperature is correct. Too high a temperature can cause the cake to dry out too much, while too low a temperature can cause the crust to dry out before the inside of the cake is fully baked.

4. Correct use of fat

Fat plays a key role in creating a juicy and fluffy dough. When baking a cake, it is important to use the right type of fat. Although butter provides excellent flavour, it contains less fat than vegetable oil. When using butter instead of oil in a recipe, try to reduce the amount of butter and replace it with a little more oil. This will help to maintain the juiciness of the cake while also preserving the butter flavour.

5. Choose the right size model

The size of the baking tray is important when baking sponge cake. If you use a model that is too large, the dough layer will be too thin, which will lead to faster baking and consequently a dry cake. Choose the correct model for the amount of batter in the recipe to achieve even baking and a juicy cake texture.

6. Proper storage of the cake

Proper storage of the cake is essential to preserve the juiciness. If the cake contains a filling or custard that requires cold storage, store it in the refrigerator. However, do not refrigerate the cake for too long as it will start to dry out. If you refrigerate the cake, allow it to come to room temperature for a while before serving to prevent the fat in the batter from solidifying and to keep the cake juicy.

7. Using simple syrup

If you find that your cake is still dry despite all your efforts, you can save it with simple syrup. You can use a syrup of sugar and water to soak all the layers of the cake before covering them with filling or cream. This syrup will add moisture to the cake and restore its juiciness. Try using a flavoured syrup such as vanilla or lemon to add an extra dimension of flavour to the cake.

8. Use fresh ingredients

Last but not least, one of the most important tips for a juicy cake is to use fresh ingredients. Using fresh eggs, butter and other ingredients will ensure that your cake is juicy and delicious. Check the expiry date of ingredients before using them and avoid using old or spoiled ingredients. Fresh ingredients will contribute to a better taste and texture of your cake.

Now that you know these 8 secrets for a juicy sponge cake, you can get into the kitchen and start creating. Follow these tips, choose the right ingredients and enjoy the results. We''re sure you'll impress your guests with your luscious and fluffy cake. Enjoy! - The sweetest online shop for high quality baking products. BAM products are for everyone who loves to create with high-quality ingredients and sophisticated flavours, even in their own home kitchen.

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