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Which desserts can children make?

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which desserts can children make
Wondering which recipes are easy enough to let even a child''s fidgety little hands help you bake ? I''ve put together a few ideas to get your little helpers to strap on an apron and grab a pastry spatula!

Baking is certainly something that everyone can enjoy without limits. But if you involve the kids, enjoying it and spending quality time can quickly turn into a pastry nightmare. It''s true that baking in itself stimulates creativity, and children learn to follow instructions, as they have an immediate insight into the consequence of not following them. At the same time, primary school children learn units of measurement, add up ingredients and have a lot of fun while baking. But for this to be the result, it is above all the adults who need to prepare for baking with children.

1. Baking with children = mess.

If you''re like me and you don''t feel comfortable in the kitchen, if it''s not tidy and every single thing is in its place, then you need to think carefully before baking with children if it''s really for you. Even though all the mums say that creating with a child is "great and oh", still set your expectations before you prepare. Baking with children can be a nasty game and a test for your nerves in this case. It will be fun, but it will only be fun for you when you drop the cleanliness criterion down a level or two.

2. Using ooooooooouge bowls.

The bowls you mix the ingredients in should be really big. This allows children to mix the ingredients in a way that is familiar to them - wild and unencumbered by flour and eggs dripping on the counter. Children''s hands are not made to stir with one hand and clean up with the other. The way adult hands are usually made.

3. More than one child involved in baking?

Go ahead. Let the o-ow that is currently in your head calm down. If you are baking with more than one child, take the advice and measure out certain ingredients in advance. You can measure out all the ingredients for the recipe in smaller bowls ahead of time, and have the children add them in order into a large mixing bowl. If you have a primary school child who is just learning about units of measurement and quantities, make the most of it and train their little brains while baking. If he or she already has the units of measurement under his or her roof, you can just give him or her the instructions to measure out 200 g of flour. Usually these children are already good readers, so you can simplify the instructions by having them prepare the ingredients for the recipe. If they do not yet understand how to measure, baking is a great way to introduce them to measuring and the importance of correct quantities.

4. Baking with children takes longer.

It is true. Baking with children takes longer because they do not yet have the pastry mileage. They are not as familiar and familiar with the organisation of time and moving from one step to the next, so baking with children always takes longer. If we start baking with this mindset, we have already made half of the dessert.

5. Make it fun!

Children will definitely stay in the kitchen longer if you motivate them while they are making the dessert. During the preparation, have all members turn into pastry artists and call each other that during the preparation. EXAMPLE: "Pastry chef Petra, can you pass me the cooking utensil?" or "Pastry chef Domen, please measure the amount of flour we need for this recipe.". Or name the tools you are using to create; for example "Petra''s magic mixer that turns eggs into a fluffy mixture should start mixing NOW!".

6. Recipes suitable for creating with children.

Muffins. Usually the ingredients are quickly weighed, mixed and before we know it, the muffins are baking. They will also be interesting for children as they can choose paper models with unicorn or superhero motifs. The top of the muffins is always topped with a colourful decoration, which is always what the children are most excited about. The recipe for double chocolate raspberry muffins is waiting for you here.

Pancakes. Is there anything else to add? I don''t know a child who doesn''t enjoy making the famous pancakes and covering them with the best BAM spreads.

Biscuits. Chocolate biscuits. Biscuits with butter. Biscuits with honey. Biscuits everywhere.

More recipes to make with your children can be found here. - The sweetest online shop for high quality baking products. BAM products are for everyone who loves to create with high-quality ingredients and sophisticated flavours, even in their own home kitchen.

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