You can never go wrong with chocolate. Scientists have proven that chocolate releases the happiness hormone, or serotonin, in the human brain. Serotonin always takes the edge off a bad mood.
Don't believe it?
Take a stroll through our online shelves and we guarantee you'll find the BAM product that will make the best dessert. Our products >
Why pay more when you can get more for less?
By taking into account all the parties in the chain, we strive to offer our products and services at the absolute lowest prices. This unique approach allows us to offer you unbeatable prices without compromising on quality.
“Really great taste, all compliments”
“Res odličen okus, vse pohvale”
“It''s really yummy”
“Res je njamit”
“Baking smells better”
“Pecivp lepše diši”
“Hot chocolate with marshmallows is the best combination”
“Vroča cokolada s penicami je najboljša kombinacija”
“The best pistachio spread, useful for baking, creating confectionery or simply eating by the spoonful. It doesn''t get any better than this.”
“Najboljši pistacijin namaz, uporaben za peko, za ustvarjanje slaščic ali pa kar preprosto za uživanje na žlico. Ni boljšega.”
“A very good spread. Full of flavour, other spreads can hide from yours😁”
“Zelo dober namaz. Poln okusa, ostali namazi se lahko skrijejo pred vašim😁”
“unfortunately, the product was damaged. the product was inflated and damaged. unfortunately, it went in the rubbish.”
“žal sem izdelek dobila poškodovan . izdelek je bil napihnjen in poškodovan . žal je šel v smeti.”
“This paste is a gift for my daughter who is going to make a cheese cake. ”
“Ta pasta je darilo za mojo hci, ki bo naredila cheese cake. ”
“I can''t wait to serve it to the family with ice cream. ”
“Komaj cakam, da ga druzini postrezem skupaj s sladoledom. ”
“I''m most happy because the chocolate has no added sugar. That way I can make my pastries without any conscience. ”
“Najbolj sem vesela, ker je cokolada brez dodanega sladkorja. Tako lahko brez vsake vesti prioravim moje pecivo. ”
“Excellent cream”
“Odlična krema”
“Delicious, full-flavoured, for all types of confectionery”
“Odličnega, polnega okusa, za vse vrste slaščic”
“Super soluble. ”
“Super topna. ”
“Vsestransko uporabna”
“I use it for raffaella biscuits”
“Uporabljam ga za rafaelo piškote”
“I already know your products well, they are excellent and I love using them.”
“Vaše izdelke že dobro poznam,so odlični in rada jih uporabljam.”
“I use for desserts they are great”
“Uporabim za sladice super so”
“I always use it”
“Zmerom ga uporabim”
“I ordered this product for the first time.”
“izdelek sem naročila prvič.”
“the product is great, especially useful when making cakes. ”
“izdelek je super, sploh uporaben pri pripravi tort. ”
“I ordered this product for the first time”
“izdelek sem naročila prvič”
“Pistachio is also very tasty”
“Tudi pistacija je zelo okusna”
“Passion fruit is very tasty”
“Zelo okusna je pasijonka”
“Good and good quality”
“Dobri in kvalitetno”
“I recommend it very highly”
“Zelo dobro priporocam”
“Excellent quality I recommend”
“Odlična kvaliteta priporocam”
“It''s great, very good taste”
“Super je,zelo dober okus”
“Super jeee.👍”
“Super jeee.👍”
“Some of the best for my autumn cakes!”
“Nekaj najboljsega za moje jesenske torte!”
“Very tasty, I''ve been buying it in Interspar for a while. Now I can finally order.”
“Zelo okusna, kupujem ze nekaj casa v Intersparu. Zdaj si lahko končno naročim.”
“Very chocolaty, excellent”
“Zelo čokikadna, odlično”
“Mmmm good”
“Mmmm dobra”
“Very good and easy”
“Zelo dobro in enostavno”
“As I have already written. It''s good quality and lovely to work with. ”
“Kot sem že napisala. Kvalitetna in lepo se dela z njo. ”
“ The taste and the finished product are superb. I love your chocolate. We could just do with more promotions 😉”
“ Okus in končni izdelek je krasen. Rada imam vašo čokolado. Samo več bi bilo lahko kakšnih akcij 😉”
“Very good”
“Zelo dobre”
“Very useful”
“Zelo uporabno”
“The chocolate melts nicely (unlike the white chocolate, which I have stopped buying) and tastes good.”
“Čokolada je lepo topna (za razliko od bele, ki sem jo nehala kupovat) in je dobrega okusa.”
“I use regularly, very satisfied”
“Redno uporabljam, zelo zadovoljna”
“It''s great”
“Super je”
“It''s great”
“Super je”
“Excellent chocolate, very tasty”
“Odlična čokolada, okusna zelo”
“It is very tasty. The cake I made with it was praised by everyone. :)”
“Zelo je okusno. Torto, ki sem jo naredila z njim, so vsi hvalili. :)”
“very...good very good..very good”
“zelo...dobro zelo dobro..zelo dobro”
“Zen with chocolate !!!”
“Zen s čokoladom !!!”
“It's great and very tasty 😋”
“Super je i jako ukusno 😋”
“For a snack in the evening, just like that..from the bag 🙈”
“Za se posladkali zvečer,kar tako..iz vrečke 🙈”
“BAM hot chocolate with marshmallows ..divine😘”
“Bam vroča čokolada s penicami ..božansko😘”
“First time ordered.”
“Prvič naročeno.”
“First time ordered.”
“Prvič naročeno.”
“There's no better apricot jam for pancakes🥰”
“Za palačinke ni boljše marelične marmelade🥰”
“Intense flavour...great❤️”
“Intenziven okus...mega❤️”
“We can't do without it anymore😂”
“Brez tega več pri nas ne gre😂”
“Very tasty spread, it's just a pity that the coconut waffle spread is often out of stock ”
“Zelo okusen namaz, skoda edino da kokosovega namaza z vaflji velikokrat ni na zalogi ”
“Of the passion fruit toppings available on the market, this is the best for me personally, especially because it is gluten-free.”
“Od pasjonkinih prelivov ki so na voljo na trgu je meni osebno najboljsi, se posebaj zato ker je brez glutena”
“Very tasty”
“Zeloo okusno”
“Very tasty”
“Zelooo okusno”
“Fritters flavored with BAM vanilla sugar right away tonight. Awesome. When we run out, we will order again.”
“Večeras odmah fritulice zamirisane Bam vanilin šećerom. Super. Kad potrošimo, naručujemo ponovo.”
“Very nice
“Jako fina ”
“It looks great, but we haven't tried it yet”
“Super izgleda, ali nismo još probali”
“A complete surprise and delight, pure liquid pistachio.”
“Potpuno iznenadjenje i odusevljenje, čista tekuća pistacija.”
“excellent, excellent😋”
“odlican , odliiiiican 😋”
“Like pistachio paste, a perfect product. You need very little, and the effect is great.”
“Kao i pasta pistacija, savršen proizvod. Treba je vrlo malo, a efekt je top.”
“Excellent chocolate, I mostly use it for desserts. Since I can't buy it at work, this is ideal for me to get it for home use.”
“Odlična čokolada, najviše nju koristim za deserte. Obzirom da je na poslu ne mogu kupiti, ovo mi je idealno za doći do nje za kućnu upotrebu.”
“Very useful and really replaces real sugar.”
“Zelo uporabno in res nadomesti pravi sladkor.”
“Wow, perfect taste.”
“Vau, popoln okus.”
“Interesting taste.”
“Zanimiv okus.”
“This one wins.”
“Tale zmaga.”
“Very useful for every day.”
“Zelo uporabno za vsak dan.”
“A great dessert.”
“Odlična sladica.”
“An excellent package of products.”
“Odličen paket izdelkov.”
“Yummy. Better than plums.”
“Njimi. Boljš kot slive.”
“😋 the best ever”
“😋najboljše do sedaj”
“Simply awesome😊”
“Preprosto super😊”
“Very useful for desserts”
“Zelo uporabno za sladice”
“I use it a lot”
“Jih uporabljam ”
“I like it very much, I use it ”
“Zelo mi je všeč, ga uporabtljam ”
“this one is the best”
“ta pa zmaga”